The Montfortian Educative Mission aims at helping the young to develop into upright, creative, confident and competent citizens who are filled with love and concern for others and for their country. They are helped to progress on the path of excellence according to each one’s potential so as to contribute to the economic and social progress of the nation.
The Montfortian Christian Education has the specific objective of forming men and women, who believe in the Fatherhood of God, live out the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of human beings and promote the integrity of Creation. Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Freedom and Respect for the basic human dignity become the primary and specific objective of the Montfortian Education.
Montfortian Educative Mission is a part of the mission of the Catholic Church, which aims at the integral development of the young.
Faithful to its rich traditions and experiences gained over three centuries in the field of education through a process of education and culture, Montfortian institutions everywhere collaborate with the young in bringing all their talents to full maturity, in building a unified personality- emotionally balanced, freed from negative conditioning, possessing good solid principles and open to truth and responsible freedom.
Conscious of the fact that a young person learns his/her lessons from the whole school setting, all the school activities and programmes are prepared so as to help the young to attain personal growth characterised by:
- A desire for truth, justice, peace and brotherhood
- Freedom that assumes responsibility, tolerance and respect for others
- An active and discerning attitude towards life.
- Openness to other cultures, devoid of prejudices and discrimination and commitment. Sufficient weightage is also given to the tangible developments that have been made in educational philosophy and the new techniques in pedagogy.
Montfortian institutions all over the world seek to develop qualities of mind and heart that will enable the students to work with others for the good of all. They help the young to critically assume their place in the society with a sense of participation and co-responsibility, by actively playing their part in bringing about social change in favour of the poor, the weak and downtrodden, where all are respected as children of God.
To this end, Montfortian Institutions seek to create an environment truly conducive to good education, where all the members of the educative community are co-responsibly involved.