The Society of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, was founded about three hundred years ago by a French Saint named St. Louis Marie De Montfort. As a Society they try to live the Gospel values after the example of Montfort, who lived it radically, in his own way and in his own times.
Montfort Brothers started their first mission in India in 1903. Today we work in almost all the States of India, in varied fields that include formal and non-formal education; both technical and academic; education of the physically
St. Montfort was born on 31st January 1673, at Montfort, a little town in the northern part of France. From early childhood, he cherished a childlike devotion to Jesus and Mary. In order to follow Jesus Christ, his Master closely he became a Missionary Priest. He identified himself with the poor and had great love for them. They, in return, loved him and called him “The Good Father Montfort”. As a priest of Christ, he showed forth Christ in his actions, and preached Him everywhere in his words and deeds. He spent his life serving the poor and establishing charitable institutions for their welfare. He desired that these works of charity continue after him. For this purpose, he founded three Religious Congregations for Priests, Brothers and Sisters. Ripe for God he passed away to heaven on 28th April 1716 aged 43 yrs.
Today the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel continues to serve the poor and the needy, with the message of peace, love, and brotherhood, through education and social action in 34 countries.
Our Facilities
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Vision & Mission
Our Vision
To impart Holistic Education through various curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in order to make fully developed personalities to face the challenges ahead.
Our Mission
To mould responsible, steadfast and dedicated citizens of the country with a committed partnership with the differently-abled.
School History
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Our Founder Saint Montfort
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The Montfortian Educative Mission aims at helping the young to develop into upright, creative, confident and competent citizens who are filled with love and concern for others and for their country. They are helped to progress on the path of excellence according to each one’s potential so as to contribute to the economic and social progress of the nation.
The Montfortian Christian Education has the specific objective of forming men and women, who believe in the Fatherhood of God, live out the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of human beings and promote the integrity of Creation. Equality, Fraternity, Justice, Freedom and Respect for the basic human dignity become the primary and specific objective of the Montfortian Education.
Montfortian Educative Mission is a part of the mission of the Catholic Church, which aims at the integral development of the young.