The Society of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, was founded about three hundred years ago by a French Saint named St. Louis Marie De Montfort. As a Society they try to live the Gospel values after the example of Montfort, who lived it radically, in his own way and in his own times.
Montfort Brothers started their first mission in India in 1903. Today we work in almost all the States of India, in varied fields that include formal and non-formal education; both technical and academic; education of the physically and mentally challenged persons, care and rehabilitation of street children and orphans, social action and village upliftment programmes.
The Brothers share the common philosophy and teaching methods of the Catholic Church in general, and draw on the rich educational experience and the traditions inherited as a Society for over three centuries.
In our educational apostolate, we give priority to faith and value formation in the young. Our primary option is in favour of the educationally and economically less favoured. We collaborate with the concerted action of educators, parents and other professional bodies who also work in the same field for the cultural, social and technical development of the country.
Holistic approach to education is our forte as we firmly believe that a young person learns from his / her whole school experiences. Hence a whole lot of programmes and an ideal environment is set for the young in all their educational institutions.
The Society has extended its mission to thirty-four countries.